End of Life Products

Thank you for visiting the Kennel Connection End-of-Life information page. This page is here to show you which products or services will be reaching their end of life in the coming days in case you were not sure if this end-of-life notice pertained to you.

Product #1: (Legacy) Basic Online Reservation System:

The Basic Online Reservation system reaching it’s end of life uses an embedded website form that would look similar to this one shown here. The URL would also be similar. Note that background images and text may vary.

Basic OLR System Screenshot

From inside your Kennel Connection software, you would have and use this Online Reservations option:

OLR Options

If you are using the above legacy Basic Online Reservation system, this end-of-life pertains to you.

Product #2: (Legacy) Real Time Online Reservation System:

The Real Time Online Reservation system reaching it’s end of life also uses an embedded website form like Product #1. However, this real time system requires a login before accessing the form that would look similar to this one shown here. The URL would also be similar. Note that background images and text may vary.

OLR Real Time Screenshot

This real time system requires an application called BCSLive to run on your local computer at your facility and would look similar to this shown here:

BCSLive Screenshot

If you are using the above legacy Real Time Online Reservation system, this end-of-life pertains to you.

Product #3: (Legacy) Smartphone App for iOS and Android:

The smartphone app for iOS and Android uses an older app downloaded from either the Apple App store OR the Google Play store and works in conjunction with the BCS Live application running on your computer at your facility to send/receive data such as client and schedule info. The app would look similar to the one shown here:

Smartphone App Screenshot 1
Smartphone App Screenshot 2
Smartphone App Screenshot 3

As mentioned above, this legacy smartphone application requires an application called BCSLive to run on your local computer at your facility and would look similar to this shown here:

BCSLive Screenshot 2

If you are using the above legacy smartphone application, this end of life pertains to you.

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